Will Elementary

I Will Do My Best! 

We Are Relentless! 

Address: 5750 Summit Avenue Mobile, AL 36608

Phone: 251-221-1750

Website: willelemmcpssal.schoolinsites.com

Principal: Deidre Jefferson, djefferson@mcpss.com

Students: 590

About the school: John Will is special because of the family atmosphere that we have created. Therefore, you may find a CNP (Child Nutrition Programs) staff member checking in on a second grade student, or a Kindergarten teacher adopting a fourth grade class. Our students take care of each other. Older students will become "big brothers or sisters" for smaller students and look out for them on the school bus or day care vans. Our biggest strength is that we have created a culture that is student focused and family oriented.

Our mottos are "We are Relentless!" and "Together is Better." We teach our students to be relentless about academics, being kind and respectful to adults and other students, and never give up no matter how difficult a challenge may be. We believe in encouraging and motivating each other to have a relentless mindset regardless of what we face.