Burroughs Elementary
Believe to Achieve!
Address: 6875 Burroughs Lane, Theodore, AL 36582
Phone: 251-221-1077
Website: https://burroughselemmcpssal.schoolinsites.com/
Principal: Dr. Betty Patterson; betty.patterson@mcpss.com
Students: 418
About the school: Burroughs Elementary School has received the prestigious Torchbearer award. The Torchbearer award is given to schools whose students are top performing students. Burroughs met the standards, exceeded the standards, and closed the gap.
Burroughs won the i-Ready Award for the largest gain in on-grade level math. We are known for the best kept secret in Mobile County. We are truly a community school that know and serve the community in all compacities.
The faculty and staff (100% HQ) are dedicated to provide students with the best education possible. This commitment is clearly visible in the array of activities and services provided by the school. Problem Solving Team (PST) meetings are held regularly to discuss student progress by identifying learning deficiencies and coordinating actions that will address the specific needs of individual students. Intervention teachers work with struggling students to supplement regular instruction and provide additional learning time to master skills.
As members of the Mary Weeks Burroughs school community, we are dedicated to developing caring, responsible citizens, as well as life-long learners who believe in themselves, contribute to their community, and achieve in an ever-changing world.