Dawes Intermediate

Excellence In Education For Every Child Every Day

Address: 10451 West Lake Road, Mobile, AL 36695

Phone: 251-221-1485

Website: www.dawesintermediate.com

Principal: Mona Griffin - mgriffin@mcpss.com

Students: 574

About the school: Dawes Intermediate is a special school known for our strong sense of community and how we strive to involve our community whenever possible. 

We strongly believe in giving our students opportunities to shine and in celebrating their achievements. We have a Broadcasting Team, a Math Team, and Dawes Dancers. Many awards have been given to our Broadcasting Team; our Math Team won first place in the District Math Competition; and the Dance Team traveled to Disney to perform. 

We use social media to keep our parents informed, to promote events that are happening at our school, and to recognize our students and staff for their accomplishments. We also host events in which the community is invited, for instance, Christmas in the Park, Trunk or Treat, and a Silent Auction. We have received quite a bit of positive feedback about these activities.

Our biggest strength is that we have the best faculty, staff, students, parents, and volunteers. They maintain high standards while striving for excellence in all we do at Dawes. 

The dedication of our teachers, staff and administration to provide lessons and activities which are challenging, meet the needs of our students, and which involves hands-on learning is outstanding. Teachers use technology in a variety of ways to enhance their students’ learning. STEM lessons are incorporated to capture our students’ interests and to challenge them with problem-solving and higher-order thinking skills. 

Data is examined and used to drive our instruction. We plan for the future and have long-range goals for what we hope to achieve with our students. We have had a team meeting to plan for next school year’s calendar with the events we will have, and we have a summer workshop, titled “Capturing Kids’ Hearts”.

Our school believes that achieving educational excellence is a collaborative process and is a shared responsibility of the student, the family, and the staff. Our teachers are a team. They work closely together to plan, collaborate, and analyze student data to improve classroom instruction. 

We use data and benchmarks to help us track student achievement. This enables us to provide intervention to students who need further practice with a concept or strategy. Educational experiences are planned to enable students to become effective communicators, independent learners, motivated critical thinkers and innovators. 

Recruiting and retaining a high-quality staff is vital to achieving our mission. We plan activities that are team-bonding and enable everyone to be on the same page as to the desired school environment, such as our planned workshop this summer. New teachers have experienced mentors for guidance and feedback. 

Our administration’s goal is to have a supportive, nurturing environment, not only for our students, but also our employees. We are a very close Dawes FAMILY.